By clicking on “Accept” you agree to the terms and conditions described in BTPS policy and procedure. Teachers may use the email address you provided to send you information.
The use of this portal service is a privilege, not a right, and may be revoked at any time.
Inappropriate, unauthorized or illegal use will result in suspension or cancellation of those privileges.
Parent Portal
Parent Portal is provided as a service to the parents of students enrolled in BTPS schools.
The service is controlled by the Department of Student Information Services.
BTPS supports strong passwords and requires qualified parents to create a strong password for their
Parent Portal access.
Once the password is created the parent is the sole owner of the password and is responsible for its
security. The School or Divisional office has no record of this password.
Any parent using Parent Portal to communicate with staff does so understanding the
BTPS Administrative Procedure 401.2AP Bully/Personal/Sexual Harassment.
BTPS can at any time
remove the privilege of use of the portal due to inappropriate use and/or harassment of staff as stated
in our divisional policies.